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* Standard profile

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Business type: Trading Company
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: < 5
Annual sales value: Euro > 100.000.000
Established year: 1984

Medicine, Health & Beauty

Apparel & Fashion

Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

We Have been providing products of every description, from heavy duty farm equipment to ladies delicate apparrel and hosiery. Childrens clothing medicine andwe have filled the needs of many for over 24 years agriculture goods. There are no items or orders to small or too large,we have filled and completed the needs of many for over 24 years. Service second to non-we expedite quickly and effectively. As we go into a New Year and uncertain times we look forward to your communication and future partnership. With knowledge, leadership and integrity.

Sincerely yours,
Thom Di Cola
Owner-General Manager

Address data

Street:PO Box 22373
Postal code:40252
Country:United States
Phone: +1 502 7530966x338
Fax: +1 502 7183290


Contact person

Name and Surname: Thomas Di Cola
Phone: +1 502 7530966x338
Mobile: +1 5027183290
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